We at Dr. Baumann SkinIdent consider it very important that you as a cosmetician broaden your knowledge by reading objective topical literature.
Here you will find links which offer useful information. It is important that you do not only receive information from us but also from many other reliable resources. Then you will be able to form an objective opinion based an informed basis.
For further interesting information and studies please view our Downloads.
- Organisation "Chemical Awareness"
An initiative by:The Danish Ecological Council
The Danish Consumer Council
The Danish Society for the Conservation of Nature
BEUC, the European Consumers' Organisation
Swedish society for Nature Conservation
European Environmental Bureau (EEB)
These organisations have collaborated in publishing a website which deals for the most part with problematic cosmetic ingredients:
When you have opened the website, please type the word “cosmetic” in the search field and click on “search”. You can then retrieve any interesting article from the list of titles which deal with risky cosmetic ingredients.
- The International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI)
A list of all cosmetic ingredients can be found at However nothing is revealed about the compatibility of the ingredients.
- Vegeterra – supporting a vegetarian Lifestyle
This is the second occasion on which the support group for VEGETERRA have made mention of the Dr. Baumann and the Dr.Henrich GmbH supported Vegetarian children and young people’s prize (kIJU) endowed with the sum of 5000 Euros.
Learn more about it at: